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IT Consultant

IT Consultant
English proficient
Information Technology
Part Time
Constantly review IT operations and development services. Supervise the implementation of appropriate IT infrastructure; preparation, programming, development to enable implementation of the new integrated company software. Supervise design, application and selection of appropriate data confidentiality according to users scope, managerial level, etc. Detect & analyze problems in a proactive manner and propose possible resolution options. Putting IT networking plans for the whole company. Strategically plan all companys software. Handling dbase related issues. Experience in corporate networks. Ensure smooth operation of: • Networks infra structure. • Data base structure, connectivity & accessibility. • Connection from remote sites. • Connectivity details. • Hardware servers & switches. • VPN connectivity.
B.Sc. Engineering / Information Technology / Computer Science Proactive Analytical skills Fluent English Adequate experience
10-15 Years.
HR Department
تنويه: يمنع استخدام ألفاظ نابية أو مخلة لآذاب

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