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Portal Representative - Raya Holding Group

Raya Holding Group
Portal Representative
Journalism, Media, Public Relation
Full Time
 Collects detailed information about the main points of interests such as hospitals, club, cafes, pharmacies, schools & universities and ability of describes and formulates personal impressions on people & places  Always updates the data base for the site with the news, pictures, descriptions, impressions and geography details  Exists with an ability to cover of the most prominent events in the providence with photographic imaging or video if necessary  Reports coverage materials for special events once it happen  Builds a network to communicate with the most prominent persons and associations in the province.  Communicates with local media in the province  Publishes the sites content on the other social networks  Transfers the most popular electronic links and topics, photos and videos, on the Internet that attract people in the providence  Participates with the most important issues of top concern of the province and enrich the way of communication and discussion.  Helps the members of the same province with information and technical support.  Updates the site with the top hot topics and issues of concern to the province residents
 Has a good knowledge of the most important issues in his Governorate, places, events, peoples, problems.. etc.  Good experience in dealing with social networks, participated actively, pages, groups, sharing etc.  Has a basic tools (or access) of technology, strong PC or Notebook, Camera Digital, and smart phone.  Familiarity with SEO, RSS, Twitter, Facebook and other social media.  Active Internet user (preferably a contributor in social networking sites).  Ability to deal with people from a variety of backgrounds.  Interested in research and able to validate information.  An Alexandria-Port Said-Dakahlia (Mansoura) & Minya’s resident is a must.
0 – New Graduate Years.
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وظائف مصرية - وظائف - وظائف خالية - وظائف خالية 2011 - وظائف شاغرة  - وظائف مصر -

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