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Assistant Marketing Director - Gat For Agencies & Trading

Gat For Agencies & Trading
Assistant Marketing Director
English and Arabic Fluently speaking using and translating professional business contracts.
Full Time
Development and open new markets to our materials inside/outside Egypt especially in Middle East and North Africa and visit the related important Exhibitions. And assist chairman in strategic planning and analysis markets
Excellent communication and interpersonal skills, Negotiation and sales and marketing skills. Crisis management, customer relations, leadership skills. Creativity and analytical skills
10-15 Years.
Strong communication and interpersonal skills to build business relationships with customers. And creativity and analytical skills.
CVs 2with 2recently 2personal 2photo send 2to 2our 2mail 2chairman@gategypt.com
Mr. Ahmed Abo El kheir chairman@gategypt.com

 وظائف مصرية - وظائف - وظائف خالية - وظائف خالية 2011 - وظائف شاغرة  - وظائف مصر -

تنويه: يمنع استخدام ألفاظ نابية أو مخلة لآذاب

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